Monday, December 30, 2013


(press play, read slow)

Words that represent something that exists. A name of a person. A place. An inanimate object humans make animate by manipulation. It's a funny word that just sounds like pointlessness..or disbelief. Things that are less and less on my mind since i was alive.
So.."they" are assigned value by titles that gained their own grouped definition...'nouns'. I think this designates importance. Whether personal, social or plainly scientific, (meaning factual), i think when a 'noun' is assigned, it gives something its supposed to be remembered.

And social studies classes give us so many nouns to know about. If one was to open a book, what's there but a story of nouns about nouns. There are even words that have been subjugated to the existence of nouns to dress them up nice. But i digress and come to my question as of late, (late being what's been on my mind since the last tragedy in my life): What is the greater portion? Having a perfect 'noun' or building the perfect 'noun'? (press play again)

There are two sides to each of these, and all that standing on the plank that stretches between the left brain and right brain of any noundividual. Which makes the certainty of an explanation like slack lining over a black hole, the cosmic type. But i'll start here, just for myself. Please keep in mind, reader (haha, "mind-reader"), that this is in non-philosophical form..take the nouns for what they are:

The positives of having a perfect noun: Little/no labor to be done...that's pretty much it for positives. It is either just perfect or noun'else put in the work to make it perfect.
Negatives: Little to no true value per reasoning of the positive. There are psychology references of human behavior that denote simply what we work for we enjoy more. Is this true? I'm looking at myself now:
I have several..SEVERAL successfully completed projects...material nouns in my repertoires that were deemed by other nouns to be either above my skill or impossible. Again, these are successes. And each one in my own way i have celebrated alone. I agree with psychology's a good feeling to look back and see what these hands have made. Some nouns are still being built. (Note to the side: I keep checking my texts to see if she has messaged me).

The positives of building the perfect noun: One gets to know the structure (as one is a part of it); one can add their own character backslash flare; one can grow; one can watch growth; one is free to design as they wish; etc., etc.
Negatives: Much labor is required in most circumstances; often times the true cost is deluded by the hearts desire to create the noun as it is perceived in the mind; nothing in the build is for certain, only the price paid emotionally, physically and fiscally. If i missed any other negatives, you other nouns please shout them out.

There is no point, as in i'm not trying to make one. There are only reasons to go on, or move on...noun from noun, as sometimes there are no adjectives that can color our nouns the color desired. But if a noun is a noun..and we have the will (collective noun for heart/mind/soul) and adjectives to paint...why not build the noun how it desires rather than how we desire? Sometimes subtracting and/or adding noun from noun. All that is required are verbs. Which if looked at from a far, noun could see that all that lies beneath any well built noun are notable verbs. The adjectives being only flags flying in the wind, attached to the noun by yet more verbs.

(So i sit, in my office, this December morning..never pretending to not need help. And i ask where this noun is heuristically...that is an emotionally charged question to ponder..because i MUST know. I must know what new verbs to place under this noun..or the adjectives to use to lay the noun to rest).
Now for the allegory above..a noun for the ponderance: (only if you like, many nouns have not and will not get this far)

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