Monday, September 16, 2024

If dreams ever came true...

There was a moon tonight, much like we've seen many times. And I thought, as it is I'm becoming... Like a tuning fork grows stronger, then dims after a time... Is she watching? 
And what memories might occur in the safety of her mind as she's alone seeing the very same moon I'm staring at...? 
And I prayed... I prayed that you'd be ok. I prayed that love and peace would pervade that part of your soul, seeing so many moons with me. And how beautiful those times really were... And I prayed that these memories would no longer bring harm or be poisoned by grief. But that they would set you free... Free to love again and believe. Free to know those feelings and those moments shared that you had love to give, and that you would love again, and greater so. 
We are all loves gift to this world. I intend to foster that in everyone I meet for the rest of my life, as I did before we ever met. I should have focused on these qualities more before I met you... I would have remained kind in the chaos that ensued... Might have loved you better, it wouldn't matter at that point if you did as well. And none of that matters... You... Me... The moon (blue as it was)... All that matters now is the love we give in the costly parts of our lives. And I bid you the very best of journeys... Maybe our paths will cross again. I'm certain we'll be very different (or maybe similar) than we are now, if destiny or God chooses. 
You be well, Sweet Soul. :)

PS: ... Miss watching craft movies with you...